July Virtual Meeting
Wednesday, July 8, 2020 ~ 6:30 pm
ODNA will be hosting a Zoom meeting on July 8th at 6:30pm
Meeting Details
Continue preparing for neighborhood Walk-Through with County Executive Olszewski
Planning for National Night Out
More discussion of building participation in Old Dundalk Neighborhood Association​
and more....
Time: July 8, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)​
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Password: 834703​
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Notes from June 10th Meeting
coming soon!
Notes from our May 13th Meeting:
Present on the virtual Zoom meeting:
Marianne Thomas, Jessica Lilli, Amy Menzer, Will Feuer, Nancy Ruff, Becky Terjung, Fran Parker, Karen Metallo, Maureen Matteo, Deborah Martin, Rita Evans, Chris ____, ub student, Glenn Shaffer, Pete Kriscumas
President Becky Terjung opened the meeting at 6:05pm
Bylaws updates – result: Passed unanimously
We began with review of our bylaws and proposed updates, thanking Will Feuer for preparing them. We changed the language about the Annual Meeting to allow for that to occur in May or June of each year. While the general preference is to hold this meeting in June, we want to ensure that in situations
such as this evening, our elections if held in May with proper notice are valid. Given that the organization has been struggling for some time to identify new volunteers to serve as officers, we
wanted to be able to hold elections in May since Becky and Glenn have been looking to step down for quite some time.
We removed the position of Historian as an officer since it has been hard to find volunteers, if people volunteer this function can be filled as a committee member but we don’t want to make it difficult for our organization to legitimately function.
We discussed how to best notify people of the meetings given our currently limited volunteer base, andwhat should be in the bylaws vs. specific ideas people had for doing this. We decided by consensus to leave the bylaws as stating that 3 public locations would be used. For now during our period of quarantine, this included Facebook, the ODNA website, and our email list along with yard signs put up by volunteers. In the future people suggested reviving our listing in the Eagle Community Calendar section, possibly using notice boards maintained by the Historical Society and the new one to be installed at Center and Shipping by Dundalk Renaissance, distributing fliers to
residents if enough volunteers can be identified and the territory divided, etc.
Following these discussions, Becky motioned for the bylaws as amended to be adopted, Nancy seconded, and all voted in favor. There were no objections.
Elections – result: new officers elected: Jessica Lilli, President; Nancy Ruff, Treasurer; Amy Menzer, Secretary
Becky explained that we needed to have at least a President, a Treasurer, and a Secretary to continue as officers, and that no one else had volunteered to take on being Vice President.
There were a few nominations who ultimately decided to decline. Becky invited nominations from among those present, and there were no nominations. Becky put forward the proposed slate of officers: Jessica Lilli, President; Nancy Ruff, Treasurer; Amy Menzer, Secretary
Becky called for a vote: all were in favor, no one was opposed.
Amy noted that we very much wanted to thank Becky and Glenn and Debbie for their years of service to
ODNA, and hope to be able to do that in a face-to-face gathering at some point though we are not sure
when that will be permitted.
Further Discussion on Upcoming meetings and Activities:
Karen suggested that volunteers could be divided by their area to distribute information, such as she could cover Kinship Rd. All agreed this is a good idea, it was noted that there are many names on the email list of potential volunteers who could be tapped. We can explore ways to publicize ideas/suggestions where we are still looking for volunteers to help implement, such as via an email newsletter, and via a “suggestion box”/volunteers needed section on the website Glenn suggested we spend some time at the June meeting preparing for the upcoming walk-through with the County Executive—while we do not yet know when that will happen given the pandemic, we want to be prepared. It was agreed we should get the word out to solicit potential hot spots for the County Executive so see whenever that walk-through does occur.
We discussed and agreed that for June and moving forward we will hold the Zoom meetings at 6:30pm to be consistent with when ODNA in-person meetings have typically occurred.
Pete Kriscumas noted that people may have missed it due to everything that has been happening with
COVID-19, but that the County’s 311 line was now up and running.
Our NEXT MEETING will be a virtual Zoom meeting on the
2 nd Wednesday, June 10 th , at 6:30pm
On a personal note I would like to add
Thank you to Will Feuer for getting all of our paperwork in order, I am grateful you enjoy doing paperwork as much as you do!
I don't think we could thank Becky Terjung, Glen Shaffer and Deborah Martin enough for all the years of service you have given our community. Without your care and dedication this organization would not be here today. Thank you guys so much!!
Moving forward, please feel free to reach out with any and all questions or concerns you have. We are all doing our best and welcome feedback and ideas. We are always looking for new members. The only way to make positive change is when we do it together. It's always a great day to volunteer!!
Jess Lilli
Have an idea? We'd love to hear about it -- and then it may get posted here as a call for volunteers to help implement your suggestion. Email us at olddundalk@gmail.com
We are always looking for volunteers to help out with flier distribution and other tasks -- please email us.
We are working to implement a more organized division of flier distribution responsibilities to increase awarness of our meetings and activities for Fall 2020 - please stay tuned!
We will also work to get notices of our meetings in the Dundalk Eagle Community Calendar section, and possibly on message boards in the Historic Dundalk Town Center.
COVID-19 Resource Guide
County Executive Olszewski and Baltimore County government are working to protect the health, safety, and well-being of residents. We will continue to provide the latest information available throughout this quickly-evolving public health event.
Hotline for Residents
The Baltimore County Department of Health has issued a hotline for residents to call with questions or concerns about COVID-19. The number is 410-887-3816. The hotline is open seven days a week, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Visit https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/ for a complete listing of information related to county services and resources related to CoVid-19 or any other community issue.